Monday, September 29, 2014


Morrison Cider Festival - Bryce was into the band (him and one other kid were the only fans)

silly faces

Paying with The Lorax outside

Friday, September 12, 2014

Bryce turns 4

Be warned - there a lot of pictures in this post (they're in chronological order, I think)...
Bryce had a few celebrations this year. His birthday falls over Labor Day weekend, and his party was the following weekend.  So we got to do a lot things:  We hiked at Red Rocks, went to the lake, went horseback riding, had some cake and opened presents at home (twice) and had a party at the zoo! The weekend before his birthday Bryce went to his first Rockies game and we watched the USA pro-cycling challenge - I'm including some of those pictures too.

More Cow Bell

Go Rockies

having a hot dog at the game

Red Rocks

Big Soda Lake

Bryce's first horseback ride

Venus Fly Trap (with fly) from Grammy and Papa

Happy Birthday Bryce


Luigi helping out

New Basketball Hoop - yeah

New Little Piggy

Bryce named him The Lorax

Zoo Party

Learning about some critters

parachute time - everyone had so much fun

playing at the zoo